2 Tips for Finding Inexpensive Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance

When purchasing hybrid long-term care insurance, you'll need to make several decisions that determine how much coverage your policy provides—and how much your premiums are. If you're looking for inexpensive hybrid long-term care insurance, here are two tips to help you find an affordable policy. Talk with an Independent Insurance Agent An independent insurance agent who is licensed in your state will both be able to help you select the coverage and limits that are right for you and help you find the least expensive policy that meets your needs. Read More 

Spend Money On Your Vehicle To Spend Less On Insurance

Auto insurance questionnaires come with many items that are designed to see how safe your car already is; when you take on less risk as a driver, it puts less liability on your insurer. It makes sense, then, that adding equipment to make your car safer might help to lower your insurance premiums. Here are some of the items that many insurance companies take into account as they determine your insurance rates. Read More 

What You Need To Know About Your Auto Insurance Coverage

Many people carry auto insurance coverage seeing that it is required by many states. However, even though many individuals carry the policy, doesn't necessarily mean that they understand how to access the policy and know what they are doing in the case of an accident. Here are some things you need to know about a car accident and your auto insurance policy. What Kind Of Information Should I Get If I Get In An Accident? Read More 

Can You Get Cash On Insurance Claims?

Sometimes when you have damage on a car or your home, you need to use all the money your receive to repair the damage. At other times, you might prefer pocketing the money and leaving the hail or water damage alone. Before you try this maneuver, you need to find out if keeping the cash is an option for you. Car Insurance If you do not own your car outright, you can forget about taking the cash settlement and running with it. Read More 

How the Difference Between an Insurance Broker and Agent Affects You

Although people tend to confuse insurance agents with brokers, the two are different. The difference isn't just academic; it can have a substantial impact on your car-insurance issues. Here are three major differences between agents and brokers and what the differences mean to you. What They Do and Who They Represent Both insurance agents and insurance brokers act as intermediaries between you and the insurance company. However, the agent's duties are mainly administrative. Read More