2 Types of Additional Coverage to Consider for Your New Truck

If you just bought a new truck, you might be wondering about the best way to protect it. While comprehensive insurance coverage is a huge plus, there are other types of coverage that can be helpful, too.

Here are two types of additional coverages to consider for your new truck.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is an important type of insurance for new truck owners. If you're in a collision accident, your collision coverage will pay for the repairs to your truck (minus your deductible). Even if the collision is your fault, collision coverage can help minimize the financial impact.

If you don't have collision coverage and you cause a collision, you will be responsible for paying for the repairs to your truck out of pocket. This can be a costly endeavor, particularly if your truck is newer or expensive.

In addition, if the other driver involved in the collision decides to sue you, having collision coverage can help protect you financially. Your collision coverage will pay for your legal defense, up to the limits of your policy.

So, if you're thinking about buying a new truck, be sure to ask your insurance agent about adding collision coverage to your policy. It could save you a lot of money (and headaches) in the long run.

Vehicle Theft Insurance

While your new truck may come with some basic insurance coverage, it's important to understand that this may not include protection against theft.

Vehicle theft insurance can provide you with financial protection in the event that your truck is stolen. It can also help to cover the cost of any damage that is caused by the theft, such as break-ins or attempted break-ins.

In addition, vehicle theft insurance can help to cover the cost of a replacement truck if yours is stolen. However, it's important to note that this coverage typically has a limit, so check with your insurance agent to see what the limits are on your policy.

If you live in an area where vehicle theft is more common, or if you simply want to be extra cautious, adding vehicle theft insurance to your policy is a good idea.

Some auto insurance companies offer discounts for new truck owners who add this type of coverage to their policy. This coverage is worth considering if you're looking for ways to save on your auto insurance premium.

Before you add any extra coverage for your new truck, talk to an auto insurance agent about your options. They can help you decide which coverages are right for you and your new truck.
