Filing An Auto Insurance Claim When You’re Not At Fault

You might be minding your own business when a car suddenly collides with you. This sudden accident might have caused serious damage to your vehicle and might also land you in the hospital. After this happens, the other party might immediately insist that you are actually at fault for the accident. If this is the case, you will want to discuss this with an auto accident insurance provider—such as Full Service Insurance Agency of Wisconsin LLC.

Gather Evidence at the Scene of the Accident

Filing a claim can be very difficult. You will need to gather all the information you can so you can support your claim. The first thing you should do is take photographs of the scene of the accident and of your injuries.

Make sure to preserve as much information as possible through your photographs. For example, if a street light was knocked down as a result of an accident, you will want to photograph it.

Contact the Police

You must contact the police and wait for them to arrive at the scene. This is required by law and is also an essential part of your auto accident claim because the police report will include important information about the accident and will also serve as proof that the accident occurred. 

However, the police might tell you to leave the scene of the accident. If this is the case, you will be allowed to do so. However, you will want to follow up by filing a police report with the local police department.

Receive Medical Treatment as Soon as Possible

After the accident, you will want to have your injuries treated. The sooner you receive medical treatment, the more quickly you might be able to recover from your injuries. If your insurance covers physical injuries, you will be able to file a claim with your insurance provider and will be reimbursed for your medical expenses. However, you will need to prove that you were actually injured with medical records and doctor's notes.

Make Sure That You Have Enough Insurance Coverage

If your auto insurance provider does not believe that you are at fault for the accident, they will have an attorney investigate the case. You will also be able to file a claim with the other driver's insurance provider. However, regardless of how your case plays out, you will receive compensation for your injuries and the damage to your property if you have sufficient auto insurance coverage.
