Keys To Choosing DBA Insurance For Your Company

If you have a company that requires employees to work outside of the country, you need to protect them with DBA (Defense Base Act) insurance. It can be used to pay for things associated with medical and disability services. Just make sure you go about getting this insurance in the following ways.

Calculate Costs in Advance

So that you're well-prepared for the financial impact of getting DBA insurance for contractors who have to work in potentially dangerous areas of the world, you need to calculate the costs of different policies in advance. There are a couple of factors that will impact these rates.

They include the number of employees that you're protecting with DBA insurance, where contractors are working, and perceived threats they may have to deal with. If you get together with a DBA insurance broker, it will be a lot easier to have these costs broken down based on what your insurance needs are and will be in the future.

Understand What the Policy Covers

Before agreeing to a particular DBA insurance policy with a provider, it's paramount to find out exactly what this policy is going to cover should any of your contractors get injured outside of their homeland. You'll find this information spelled out in your plan's description and benefits breakdown.

It may take you some time to go over all of the covered damages, but being diligent with this research will save you confusion later. You'll know what is and isn't covered and can then handle claims accordingly when they surface for workers that get injured in a foreign place.

Find a Provider Who's Offered DBA Insurance for a Long Time

Since DBA insurance is a special type of policy with unique circumstances and structure, it's a good idea to only get it from an insurance provider that has offered DBA insurance for a long time. Then you don't run the risk of running into obstacles or dealing with difficult communication at any point with your provider.

They'll know how DBA insurance works, how to process claims, and what updates to inform you about moving forward. After getting a policy from one of these providers, you'll just need to make sure your employees follow the right claims processing protocols.

If you have a company that's involved in potentially dangerous foreign operations, DBA insurance is going to be an important asset to invest in. It will save your company a lot of money if you find the right policy with optimal coverage amounts. 

Contact a company like Risk Reconnaissance to learn more. 
