Sometimes You Need Both Insurance And An Attorney

Your car insurance company will usually make a payout whenever you experience an accident, and the nature of the accident is covered by your car insurance policy. However, there are some cases when a lawsuit will be necessary despite your insurance company or the insurance company of the other party.

Receiving Compensation For Significant Accidents

When the accident is severe and the damages are extensive, it may be necessary to hire an attorney. The auto insurance company of the other motorist may be unwilling to provide a full pay-out, and your attorney may need to fight for you.

Hiring A Lawyer For Serious Injuries

Another case when you will need to hire an attorney is when it leads to serious injuries. Injuries can have lasting consequences and your insurance provider will not always be able to predict how much the accident will cost you in the long-term. Hiring a lawyer will almost always lead to a larger settlement than if you are simply working with an insurance provider when you have received an injury or when you are trying to seek a settlement yourself.

The Length Of The Injury Is Important

How severe your injury is is based on how long you have had the injury, the type of injury you have sustained, and the cost of your medical bills. The duration of your injury could be long-term or permanent. A long-term injury is one that lasts a year or longer. These are injuries that are going to affect your ability to remain employed.

There are several cases when you definitely should consult with an attorney, including:

  • When a death has occurred
  • When there is an issue with fault
  • When other parties are involved such as pedestrians
  • If the police report is not accurate

Many Attorneys Work For Free

If your insurance provider does not provide you with a payout that is necessary to cover all of your bills, you might be concerned with consulting with an accident attorney. However, many accident attorneys will work for free and will only ask for a percentage of your settlement after you have received a payout.

The good news is that many great insurance providers use their own lawyers for when a lawsuit is necessary. While you may need to find your own lawyer, you may also simply need to work with your insurance provider to ensure that you receive the most compensation.
